buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Fireproof - Browser Database with Encrypted Live Sync style.css header class hero nav div Fireproof class logo div class nav-links a Features href #features a Installation href #installation a Examples href #examples a GitHub class cta-button href main section id hero-section class hero-content h1 Fireproof Database p A lightweight embedded document database with encrypted live sync for browser apps div class cta-group button Get Started class primary-cta button View Docs class secondary-cta section id features class features-grid div class feature-card h3 🌐 Apps Run Anywhere p Bundle UI, data, and logic in one file div class feature-card h3 ⚡ Real-Time & Offline-First p Automatic persistence and live queries div class feature-card h3 🔄 Unified API p Works with Deno, Bun, Node.js, and browsers div class feature-card h3 🔒 Cryptographic Ledger p Tamper-evident change history section id installation class code-section h2 Installation div class code-block pre npm install use-fireproof div class code-block pre import { useFireproof } from "" section id examples class examples-section h2 Code Examples div class tabs button React class tab active button JavaScript class tab div class code-container pre class code-example code const App = () => { const { useDocument } = useFireproof("my-ledger"); const { doc, merge, submit } = useDocument({ text: "" }); return (
); } footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Documentation href /docs a Examples href /examples a GitHub href p Built for the modern web. Powered by CRDTs. script.js